How to Start Your Day With a Positive Attitude?

Mareks Bodnieks
3 min readMay 27, 2021

They often say that the way you start your day will greatly influence how the rest of it will go so it’s important to start your day with a positive attitude.
Every morning we have to get up and face the day ahead of us. Whether we’re in a good mood or feeling like we couldn’t be bothered to even shower, the day will still continue. So it’s important that we do everything in our power to ensure that we’re feeling good so that our day can start on a positive note.
There are a few things that you can do at the start of each day to make it better. Your thoughts, actions, and attitude after waking up will have a strong lingering effect on the rest of the day.

Here are a few tips that you can do to improve how you feel and increase the chances that your day will ultimately turn out to be good.

Prepare for tomorrow beforehand, by getting enough sleep and knowing what you want to accomplish the next day can set your expectations in the right direction, so you know where you’re heading.

After laying down in bed, try to fight the urge to turn the TV on. If you’ve had a long day and feel any form of fatigue, then try to focus on your breath for a few minutes and close your eyes. Then repeat the following affirmation: “I’m going to get a good night’s sleep tonight. After I wake up, I’ll be feeling happy, energetic, and refreshed”.

Next, observe the thoughts that come into your head and let them go. Stay relaxed and calm, try not to think of anything in specific, don’t fight any thoughts either, be in the present. Try to do this until you start feeling sleepy, after which you can allow your mind to wander and position yourself comfortably.

Immediately after waking up in the morning, repeat the following affirmation:

“I’ll have the most wonderful, productive, and happy day.”
Gather enough strength to get up and sit on your bed for a few seconds while smiling, then proceed to stand up.
If you have 10 minutes to spare, then sit by the bed and meditate for a bit. If you’ve never mediated, then straighten your back, calm your body, and observe any thoughts as they come and go, not giving them an emotional response. Don’t try to follow or fight them. Simply allow them to enter your mind and pass, just as quickly.

If you have a few minutes to exercise upon waking, then definitely do a few exercises, this oxygenizes your lungs and wakes you up.

Don’t skip on your breakfast as that is the most important meal of the day. Have something that is not too dense in carbohydrates, preferably some fruits with some vegetables, coupled with an egg or a slice of cheese.

Read some inspiring quotes before going to work. This could be any quote that you find inspiring which makes you feel motivated. You can also read different quotes every morning if you don’t want to repeat the same one every day.

These tips can help you to start your day with a positive attitude and remember to stay safe.

